Eating fermented foods has shown to benefit the the body in numerous ways. It assists our digestions, builds a stronger immune system, and allows nutrients to become more bioavailable in the body.
Fermenting foods also allows us to extend the short, Maine growing season. Join chef Frank in his home and explore the world of fermentation. In this class you will learn simple techniques, in a hands-on approach to become a more efficient and confident fermentor in your own home!
Learn How to Make:
- Salting- Sauerkraut
- Brining - Pickled Carrots
- Fermented Beverages - Kefir & Kombucha
- Non Dairy Spreads - Nut based "Cheeses"
- Aging - Spicy Cider Tonic
- And much more!
Each student will receive a jar of kraut to take home as well as a copy of A Culture of Personality Ebook. Light snacks and refreshments will be served throughout the classes. Camping space is available upon request, and local cottage/cabin accommodations also available.