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Herban - An Herb Festival in Portland, Maine

  • Milk and Honey of Swallowtail Farm Portland, ME (map)

Come join to celebrate herbs, weeds and flowers and all things green! Take a class, a workshop, a talk, an herb walk in Portland and out on Peaks Island. There's so much growing at this time of year!

Enjoy the Sunday artisan food and craft market and try special Maine foods. Gather your children and your neighbors children and bring them to plant seeds and seedlings , to learn about some simple uses of common plants, drink some fairy flower tea, build a fairy house and make some herbal crafts. Bring your potions and homemade goods for the swap. Find homemade crafts for gardeners and herbalists. Enjoy farm fresh foods and a special summer solstice dinner on Sunday night. All are welcome.

Chef Frank will be teaching a class on Cooking with Herbs on Saturday, June 18th. Time to be announced. We'll be there with a booth full of our herbal & farm goodies.